Building a biomass innovation ecosystem in a circular bioeconomy in Poland
The main objective of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to discuss the availability of different types of biomass in Poland and their transformation in the context of fostering the implementation of bioeconomy and stimulating bio-industry in Poland and to contribute to the specifying of research and innovation needs in this area. The biomass transformation into new bio-based feedstock using the modern bio-technologies has been discussed as well as the standards and regulations of their potential in different sectors. Speakers representing different member states of UE and from outside Europe shared their experiences, observations and successful stories in circular bioeconomy.
Open exchange of views and discussion of representatives of various national stakeholders has been used to formulate conclusions and recommendation on the measures to be taken at the level of central and regional administration in order to accelerate the development of the circular bio-economy in Poland.
Two member of the Bioecon project participated, namely Jerzy Kozyra and Stelios Rozakis, who delivered a talk on biomass potential in Poland and related activities in the Department of Bioeconomy and Systems Analysis, IUNG-PIB.
See below the detailed agenda of the meeting:
Day 1: Biomass and industrial and innovation ecosystems
Welcome Piotr Dardziński, Undersecretary, Ministry of Science and Higher Education Jadwiga Emilewicz, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology
Session 1: Poland in the EU bioeconomy, an introduction
Jan Filip Staniłko, Director of Innovation Department, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology: Map towards circular economy
Tomasz Calikowski, European Commission: Circular Bioeconomy on the EU agenda
Session 2: Biomass potential and sustainability
Dominik Rozkrut, PL, President of Statistics Poland: Biomass potential in Poland
Nelo Emerencia, Director of Programming, BIC, International Report on biomass potential in Poland
Yoshiyuki Fujishima, Director, Strategic Planning Department, Japan Bioindustry Association and Shunsuke Saragai, Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry, JP, Japan's Bioeconomy Related Activites
Jerzy Kozyra, Stelios Rozakis, PL ERA Chair project on BioEcon:Biomass in context of land use change and local strategies towards low carbon economy
Discussion Moderator: Dominik Rozkrut
Session 3: Establishing innovation ecosystems in the circular bioeconomy
Ole Jørgen Marvik, NO, Innovation Norway, Emerging cross-sectorial value-chains based on carbon waste gases and marine residuals
Sari Tasa, FI,Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, The emergence of business ecosystems related to biomass-based textiles and plastics substitutes in Finland
Sara Guerrini, IT, Agriculture Public Affairs, Novamont spa, Building the bioeconomy ecosystem in Italy
Anton De Vries,Corporate Director at Enerkem Inc.,CA, The ecosystem around a city waste biorefinery – Edmonton in the front line
Artur Świergiel, PL, Institute Biotechnology of the Agro-Food Industry: Wastes from agro-food sector as a biomass in circular bioeconomy
Tomasz Wojciechowski, PL, GWDA Sp. z o.o., Organic recycling as a part of a circular economy
Discussion Moderator: Tomasz Twardowski
Summary of Day 1 Moderator: Jim Philp
Day 2: Value for money public investments
Session 4: Public-private initiatives: where do governments best put their money?
Philippe Mengal, Executive Director, BBI JU, Building partnerships in demo and flagship projects
Manfred Kircher, DE, Chairman of the advisory board, CLIB2021, CLIB2021 cluster: building the bioeconomy in Germany, and value for money from public investments in clusters
Roger Kilburn, Scotland/UK, CEO, IBioIC, IBioIC, a public-private industrial biotechnology innovation centre
Yvon le Henaff, FR, Chairman, IAR, IAR building partnerships in rural France
Representatives from PL:
Michał Skwierczyński,Presentation of BBI JU Project BIOMOTIVE. Benefits for participants. Prof. Izabela Witońska,BIOSTRATEG project: From waste biomass from sugar production to valuable chemicals , fuel biocomponents and biodegradable polymers Jarosław Jabłoński,PKN ORLEN S.A. The future of biofuels. Biomass and wastes processing. Łukasz PietrzkiewiczFLUID S.A. Biochar FLUID functioning model of circular bioeconomy Prof. Danuta Ciechańska EIT Food CLC North-East, Development of Innovative Food Ecosystem based on Circular Bioeconomy
Moderator: Mario Cervantes
Open forum discussion and close-out: The top messages for policy makers
Moderator: Jim Philp
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