30 May - 1 June 2018, Ghent, Belgium
At the turn of May and June 2018 member of BioEcon Project Team participated in global conference event – 14th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries. During three days a lot’s of valuable moments took place: plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions and an exhibition. Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations and venture capital providers presented their views on industrial biotechnology, sustainable (green) chemistry and agricultural policy related to the use of renewable raw materials for non-food applications and energy supply. The conference aimed at providing an overview of the scientific, technical, economic, environmental and social issues of renewable resources and biorefineries in order to give an impetus to the biobased economy and to present new developments in this area. The conference was a good opportunity to provide a forum for leading political, corporate, academic and financial people to discuss recent developments and set up collaborations.
The conference program covered the following topics: bioactive compounds from biomass, biobased materials, biomass fractionation, biocatalysis for bioresource transformation, bioenergy, bioproducts from woody biomass, biorefineries, biosurfactants, chemical platform molecules, cyanobacterial and algal technology, downstream processing, environmental protection using microorganisms, metabolic engineering of cell factories, nutrient recycling, pretreatment and transformation of lignocellulosics, single cell oil production, sustainability, thermochemical transformations of biomass and valorization of biomass waste streams.
At the beginning of the conference Mr Simon Kay, Senior Expert with DG CLIMA C3 (Land Use and Finance for Innovation) at European Comission presented The EU’s 2030 Climate policy framework and the Paris Agreement with relevant content. Many recent figures and statistical data was presented. In summary much has changed since the 2011 emission roadmap. One of the important messages was EU and Member State policy action has accelerated changes in real economy, for example:
1. Decoupling of GDP and CO2 emissions,
2. Renewable energy has become competitive,
3. Electric vehicles have become appealing,
4. Unprecedented digitalisation,
5. Structural changes in energy demand,
6. EU on the way to become the most efficient economy worldwide.
During three days of Conference there were many (as I wrote at the beginning) interesting parallel sessions as: Biobased materials – I, Biocatalysis for bioresource transformation – I, Biomass fractionation, Biobased materials – II, Bioactive compounds from biomass, Bioenergy – I, Pretreatment and transformation of lignocellulosics, Nutrient recycling: Biofertiliser production, Chemical platform molecules – I, Biocatalysis for bioresource transformation – II, Nutrient recycling by algae for the circular economy, CO2 Utilisation, Micro & macro algal technology – I, Thermochemical transformations of biomass, Bioproducts from woody biomass, Biorefineries – I, Chemical platform molecules – II, Sustainability and circular economy, Biorefineries – II, Downstream processing, Valorization of biomass waste streams – I, Metabolic engineering of cell factories, Micro & macro algal technology – II, Valorization of biomass waste streams – II.
The slides of the majority of the presentations are available online. There is an access from following links:
It is needed to click on the name of a speaker (names are in blue if a PPT is available) and then fill out the password: Bioref_g14. These presentations are protected against printing & copying. The pictures of RRB-14 (speakers, social functions, poster award,..) are available in the photo gallery: https://rrbconference.com/photo-gallery
The next 15th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries (RRB Conference) will be held in in Toulouse, France on 3 - 5 June, 2019.