

ON-LINE through MS TEAMS platform
was held

„Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy”

organised by

the Institute of Economics and Finance
of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW


„Strategies for Bioeconomy in CEE countries”

organised by

Department of Bioeconomy and Systems Analysis – BIOECON
of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute IUNG-PIB
int he framework of the project H2020-WIDESPREAD-BIOECON

The III International Scientific Conference „Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy“ and the Joint Conference „Strategies for Bioeconomy in CEE countries” were organised in on-line mode to allow the exchange of the scientific community views with practitioners, both from Poland and abroad. The conference focused on the research and discussion interests on the changing needs of the economy, this year with particular emphasis on bioeconomy and its strategic options for Poland, and the Central Eastern European (CEE) countries as well. For this reason, a joint conference was organized by IUNG-PIB funded by the H2020-WIDESPREAD-BioEcon project.
The conference gathered over 70 participants, who took part in different thematic session:

PLENARY SESSION I Sustainable agriculture for bio-based economy (in English)
THEMATIC SESSION 1 The state and deployment of bioeconomy in the CEE countries (in English)
THEMATIC SESSION 2 Zrównoważona produkcja i konsumpcja (in Polish)
THEMATIC SESSION 3 Zrównoważone rolnictwo dla biogospodarki (in Polish)
THEMATIC SESSION 4 Społeczno-ekonomiczne aspekty rozwoju lokalnego (in Polish)
THEMATIC SESSION 5 Adaptation processes to climate change (in English)
PLENARY SESSION II Strategies for bioeconomy in Poland and the CEE countries (in English)

The opening session was conducted by the Chairmen of the Scientific committee:
Dr hab. Jarosław Gołębiewski (SGGW)
Dr Stelios Rozakis (Technical University of Crete)
Dr hab. Mariusz Maciejczak (SGGW)

The keynote speakers of the conference presented the following topics:

Mariantonietta Fiore (Department of Economic, University of Foggia, Italy): Circular economy and next-bio generation toward multifunctional roles of food and landscapes
Athanasios Petsakos (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain): Application of an EU-wide farm model for CAP post-2020 impact analysis and implications for bioeconomy
Dagnija Blumberga, Anna Kubule (Riga Technical University, Latvia): Sustainable bioresources’ value complex index
Paweł Chmieliński (Agricultural and Food Economics –National Research Institute, Poland): CAP second pillar and rural development in the context of bioeconomy and food systems – the case of Poland
Athanasios Kampas (Agricultural university of Athens, Greece): Green growth and decoupling indicators in Poland
Efstratios Loizou (University of Western Macedonia, Greece): Biobased national input-output tables in Poland
James Philp (Organisation for Economic cooperation and Development, France):There is more than one interpretation of bioeconomy
Luka Juvančič (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Institutional dimension for bioeconomy strategy in the CEE countries
Biljana Kulisič (IEA Bioenergy Task workshop in Osijek, Croatia): Bioenergy perspectives in the bioeconomy deployment
Stelios Rozakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece/ ERA Chair projektu BioEcon): Models and tools for the development of bioeconomy strategies in Poland

BioEcon team presented the following topics:

Risk Programming for Arable Agriculture in Poland taking account of the climate change - Piotr Jurga, Stelios Rozakis, Jerzy Kozyra and Aleksandra Król-Badziak;

Contribution of agricultural systems to the bioeconomy in Poland: Integration of willow in the context of a stylised CAP diversification - Nosra Ben Fradj, Pierre Alain Jayet , Stelios Rozakis, Eleni Georganta  and Anna Jędrejek;

Synergies and trade-offs of bioenergy on three global trends: Evidence from Jiangsu, China Qingyi Li and Kesheng Shu;

BIOECON project tools for the development of bioeconomy strategies in Poland Stelios Rozakis;

Magdalena Borzęcka and  Jerzy Kozyra, moderators of two conference sessions, jointly presented the BIOEASTsUP project: BIOEASTsUP support to BIOEAST Initiative for macro-regional bioeconomy strategy elaboration: Bioeconomy assessment.


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