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Bioeconomy, Renewable energy, Geographical Information System, Spatial modelling, Biomass potential assessment

1998 – M. Sc. in in Geography Maria Curie-Sklodowska University  in Lublin. Plac Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
2005 – PhD in Agronomy Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation –State Research Institute
2014 – Habilitation in Agronomy and Environment protection Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy
2005 – 2014 senior researcher at Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation –State Research Institute, Department of Agrometeorology and Applied Informatics, Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy,
1998-2008 – 23, 25, 29 Polish Polar Expedition to Arctowski Station, King George Island, West Antarctic
2011 – Visiting Fellow at Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Agricultural Economics
2011 – Visiting Fellow at Georg-August-University, Goetingen,
2012 – Visiting Fellow at Technology Unit in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania  
2013 – Visiting Fellow at Technology Unit in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania  
2013 – Visiting Fellow at University of Udine
2015 – Associate Professor, Head of Department of Bioeconomy and Systems Analysis

Szewczak, K.; Łoś, H.; Pudełko, R.; Doroszewski, A.; Gluba, Ł.; Łukowski, M.; Rafalska-Przysucha, A.; Słomiński, J.; Usowicz, B. Agricultural Drought Monitoring by MODIS Potential Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing Data Application. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3411.

Dawid Bedla, Adam Bogusz, Magdalena Borzęcka, Krzysztof Chmielowski, Ewa Dacewicz, Anna Gorczyca, Maciej Guzik, Wiktor Halecki, Katarzyna Haraźna, Katarzyna Kokoszka, Małgorzata Kozak, Anna Kozielec, Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz, Jakub Piecuch, Małgorzata Pink, Rafał Pudełko, Justyna Prajsnar, Sabastian Wojciech Przemieniecki, Szymon Skibiński, Mariusz Sołtysik, Joanna Szarek, Tomasz Witko, Magdalena Wojnarowska, Katarzyna Żyłowska, 2020: Biogospodarka. Wybrane aspekty. Pod. red Małgorzaty Pink i Magdaleny Wojnarowskiej. Wyd. Difin, Warszawa

Hamelin, L., Borzęcka, M., Kozak, M., Pudełko, R. (2019). A spatial approach to bioeconomy: Quantifying the residual biomass potential in the EU-27. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 100, 127-142. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.10.017

Zwolicki A., Pudełko R., Moskal K., Świderska J., Saath Sz. and Weydmann A., 2018, The importance of spatial scale in habitat selection by European beaver. Ecography, 41: 1-14, Doi: 10.1111/ecog.03621

R. Pudełko, P.J. Angiel, M. Potocki, A. Jędrejek, M. Kozak: Fluctuation of Glacial Retreat Rates in the Eastern Part of Warszawa Icefield, King George Island, Antarctica, 1979–2018. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 892; doi:10.3390/rs10060892

K. Borzęcki, R. Pudełko, M. Kozak, M. Borzęcka, A. Faber, Spatial distribution of wood waste in Europe. SYLWAN, 2018,  r. 162 (7): 563-571

Pudełko R., Kozak M., Jędrejek A., Gałczyńska M., Pomianek B, 2018, Regionalisation of unutilised agricultural area in Poland, Polish Journal of Soil Sciences, Vol 51, No 1 (2018), 119-132

Gerssen-Gondelach S.J., Wicke B., Borzęcka-Walker M., Pudełko R., Faaij A.P.C. 2015 Bioethanol potential from miscanthus with low ILUC risk in the province of Lublin, Poland. GCB Bioenergy doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12306

Faber A., Borzęcka-Walker M., Krasuska E., Jarosz Z., Pudełko R., Kozyra J., Syp A., Nieróbca A., Smagacz J. 2014. Indirect land-use change effects of biodiesel production: A case study for Poland. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. Vol.12 (2 ) :1353-1355

Borzecka-Walker M., Faber A., Syp A., Pudelko R., 2013 Greenhouse gas emissions from rape seed cultivation for FAME production in Poland. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.11 (1): 1064-1068

Borzecka-Walker M., Faber A., Pudelko R., Jarosz Z., Syp A., Kozyra J. 2013 Optimisation and risk analysis of greenhouse gas emissions depending on yield and nitrogen rates in rapeseed cultivation. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.11 (3&4):1002-1004

Borzęcka-Walker M., Borek R., Faber A., Pudełko R., Kozyra J., Syp A., Matyka M. 2013 Carbon and nitrogen balances in soil under SRC willow using the DNDC model Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.11 (3&4):1920-1925

Krasuska E., Pudełko R., Faber A., Jarosz Z., Borzęcka-Walker M., Syp A., Kozyra J. 2013. Optimization and risk analysis of greenhouse gas emissions depending on yield and nitrogen rates in winter wheat cultivation Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol 11 (3&4): 2217-2219

Wawer R., Nowocien E., Podolski B., Kozyra J., Pudełko R., 2013: Protective role of grassland against soil water erosion caused by extreme rainfall events as compared to black follow. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11 (1): 1069-1071 // IF: 0,435

Krasuska E., Faber A., Pudełko R., Jarosz Z., Borzęcka-Walker M., Kozyra J. Syp A., Emission saving opportunities for corn cultivation for ethanol in Poland Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.11 (3&4 ) : 2050-2053. 2013

Pudełko R., Kozyra J., Borzȩcka-Walker M. 2013. Low altitude aerial remote sensing and mobile ground measurements-New approach to field monitoring Sensing Technologies for Biomaterial, Food, and Agriculture; Yokohama; Japan; 23 April 2013

Rozakis S., Kremmydas D., Pudełko R., Borzecka-Walker M., Faber A., 2013 Straw potential for energy purposes in Poland and optimal allocation to major co-firing power plants. Biomass and Bioenergy 58: 275-285 Impact Factor: 3,41

Pudelko R. 2008. Two new topographic maps for sites of scientific interest on King George Island, West Antarctica. Polish Polar Research, vol. 29, no. 3: 291-297

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